
Basic Blog Info.

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Saturday, June 18, 2011

Features and values in Writing Blog.


We live in the era of Information & Communication Technology.Internet is the highway of the communication. There are millions of Websites and Blogs posted all over the Internet and it is possible to run a successful blog, even making money through selling products and advertising on it. But many bloggers fail where other bloggers succeed with certain characteristics and values that these successful, serious Blogger possess.

Here is a list of Twelve Features and values each serious Blogger should concern:

Blogging with Passion.

Every serious Blogger must be passionate about their subject. If the writer of a blog is not passionate about their subject, it isn’t fair to expect the readers to get excited about it either. No matter how great their writing is, bloggers will have a very difficult time gaining followers of a blog they are not passionate about. Building a blog takes time and bloggers who are not passionate about their subject will likely lose interest before their blog becomes successful.

Association of Social Media with Blog.

People who have large networks of friends and acquaintances on social networking websites such as Facebook Twitter and My Space are likely to have many readers following and commenting on their blog. They are consistently engaging new blog readers and building relationships with the current readers of their blog. Reading and making comments on Blogs that are about similar topics helps bloggers create a community feel and build alliances with bloggers who may share many of the same readers.

Network Building Skill.

Competition between similar Blogs often drives readers away from both Blogs by creating animosity. It is often better for blog owners to build network to share information and customers with other bloggers who share their passion for a certain topic. Sometimes combining Blogs that are very similar is a good option for both blog owners because their readers are combined and they can take turns writing posts and replying to comments and questions.

Uniqueness of Blog Content.

One of the most important elements of any blog build to be Popular is Unique and Fresh content having quality and usefulness, without considering the category of blog or website for that matter. Without content your blog is nothing. If you want to make your blog Popular, you have to provide useful information in order to attract visitors and keep them coming back. Make sure you publish new content as often as you can. The more (quality) content you have, the more chances you have of getting more visitors to your blog.

Ethical issues in Blogging.

With so much competition for blog owners, it is important to stand out. Every blog should be unique and share new ideas. Copying is a big problem on the Internet, so bloggers should make sure all content is different than the content of any other blog. Using a web page design that is very different than other Blogs can make a certain blog stand out. Bloggers who share personal information also stand out because nobody else has exactly the same story.

Blog Continuously with patience.

Sometimes it takes a few months for readers to find a new blog and recommend it to their friends. Most bloggers give up on their blog before it is read by anybody. Blogging takes commitment and readers often lose interest in Blogs that are updated less than once per month. Each blog should be updated about once or twice per week so that the Blogger doesn’t run out of relevant information to share, but there is enough new information for the reader to keep reading. Striking a balance is important because Blogs can take up way more time than the actual writing of posts.

Keep Your Blog Up to Date Regularly.

The time it takes to write posts should be considered, but bloggers also must research new information about their topic and answer any questions that readers have asked. Bloggers should also make comments and be involved in any conversation that their readers have posted. All of this takes time and effort. Anyone who is thinking about starting a blog should think about the time commitment before launching their blog.

Realistic Expectations in Blogging.

Bloggers should have realistic expectations about the readers of their blog. Most people write Blogs for personal satisfaction, but some write to advertise and make money. Investing in a blog can take both time and money and it may take months to see a return on that investment.

Good Writing Skills and Knowledge of Language.

Bloggers should be knowledgeable about their topic and Language, but that knowledge can be wasted if the Blogger cannot write effectively. Readers are not likely to continue reading a blog that is filled with spelling and grammar errors. Simple errors can be very distracting to the reader and take away from the knowledge they are sharing.

Poorly written Blogs don’t inspire confidence from readers and the Blogger may lose credibility quickly, even if all the information they share is new and correct. Inviting a Professional guest Blogger to post on a blog is a good way to introduce a different style to the readers and create interest in the blog’s topic.

Enhance the Credibility of you blog by Using pictures and videos.

Using multimedia such as pictures and videos is great for adding interest and credibility to a blog. Readers may already have a difficult time believing everything they read online, especially by people that they don’t know. Posting pictures is a way of showing proof of the information that is written. It is possible to modify pictures, but readers are more likely to believe what they see than what they read.

It is very important that blog owners check their facts to ensure that everything written in their blog is true. Posting credible sources for the information is a great way to increase credibility for a blog owner.

Customer Oriented

Blogs should always remember their audience and write for them. If the information being shared is not relevant to the topic of the blog, it should be excluded. Most blog owner’s research frequently to ensure that the information they are sharing is up to date and relevant to their readers. Blog owners who want to make money from their Blogs should be especially conscious of their audience. Products and services that are being advertised on a blog will not sell if they are irrelevant to the readers.

Technical Knowledge on Web Development.

A serious Blogger should have at least a basic working knowledge of web development and programming languages. He or she doesn’t have to possess the knowledge to create entire pages without assistance, but it does help him or her to know languages like HTML, CSS, PHP, MySQL or Joomla.

If you have little Knowledge on web designing you can Use Template Based web services like Blogger or Wordpress but if you want to do Blogging Professionally then you should have or acquire some knowledge on Web Designing.

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